Skin Peels – Faqs
Skin Peel frequently asked questions are presented below:
Do they hurt?
Priori and Agera Rx skin peels are similar to getting a facial, quite a relaxing treatment. Generally these types of skin peels do not hurt, as the strength of peel increases you may feel a tingling sensation but this is normal. Should you have any doubt do not hesitate to speak with your practitioner.
Can I Return to Work?
Both Agera Rx and Prior AHA peels have no down time so can easily be performed at lunch time and you will be able to return to work or normal activities. This is the benefit of these peels.
How do I Know what Skin Peel to Have?
After a thorough consultation and examination your aesthetic nurse will advize you what skin peel and skin care would be suitable for you.
Does it take long to see Results?
Within a few weeks of using the recommended products on a regular basis, skin should begin to look and feel smoother, younger and healthier. The look of fine lines and wrinkles will begin to diminish and complexion and texture will appear more even. An average of 2 to 6 weeks should be allowed for visible results, depending on the condition of the skin prior to using the recommended products.